Advance Comprehensive Clinical Training and Simulation Centre-(ACTS YEN)
Advance Comprehensive Clinical Training and Simulation Centre-(ACTS YEN) was established in 2016. ACTS YEN is a major step towards the University’s vision of promoting excellence in clinical care, competency- based health professional education, ethical student training, and in paving the road towards improved patient care, safety, and satisfaction.
Benefits of Simulation Training
The simulation centre - ACTS YEN, provides reproducible and on-demand access to patients and clinical experiences through simulators and task trainers.
The centre is housed on the 8th floor of the Emergency Medicine Department building. It is a centrally air- conditioned complex spread over 5,000 square feet and boasts of a state- of- the- art infrastructure ranging from basic task trainers to high fidelity mannequins, anatomage, and virtual reality simulators along with an indoor auditorium capable of seating 250 people and two debriefing rooms.
A technological masterpiece - Anatomage, the first in India, offers an opportunity to learn anatomy in a unique manner. It provides a three dimensional virtual dissection of the human body. It is also a powerful radiology workstation, and a tool for surgical and pathological case reviews.
The High Fidelity Simulators incorporate computerized mannequins that closely mimic anatomy and haemodynamic physiology of a human body. The centre houses a variety of high fidelity simulators including infant, paediatric, adult (Metiman and Human Patient Simulators), and Maternal foetal simulator. These can imitate clinical and medical conditions such as heart attack, shock, trauma, normal, and difficult labour, post partum haemorrhage, and drug overdose to name a few . The mannequins respond to drugs, procedures (like intubation), and actual equipment (like defibrillator). Advanced resuscitation equipment, medications, anaesthetic gases, and imaging monitor display capability are some of the essentials incorporated into the design of the Simulation Centre.
The Virtual Reality Simulators like Endoscopy trainer, Laparoscopy trainer, Cath lab, Ultra Sound, Ophthalmic, and Otoscopic viewers allows trainees or surgeons to practice procedural skills to perform minimally invasive surgeries, including bronchoscopes, upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopies, cardiac valve replacements, transthoracic ultra sound, and many more.
The Blue Phantoms mannequins allow training for regional anaesthesia.
The Beneficiaries include health professionals (graduates, post graduates, degree or diploma students to practicing general physicians, specialists, super specialists, and the nursing faculty) as well as the non- medical members of a team.